Justrite is built for the heavy duty jobs that other stamps just can’t do. Ideal for industrial, warehouse, manufacturing, automotive, packaging and extreme climate applications. Justrite is built to handle whatever you throw at it.
JustRite Self-Inking Numbering Stamps are excellent for situations where Part or ID Numbers are required to be changed regularly. The characters are easily changeable by turning the bands using the large wheels at the top of the frame. All numberers come with Gothic typeface unless Roman is specified.
Justrite Price Marker stamps are high quality, low-cost speed pricers designed for dependable, trouble-free performance. These stamps are universally used in drug stores, hardware stores, department stores, grocery store, and supermarkets.
JustRite offers a wide selection of various band numberers with imprint sizes from 1/16" to 3/4". Sizes 00 to 6. From 2 to 18 bands. Requires separate ink pad.
JustRite Manual Alpha Numeral Hand Stamps are extra long alphanumerical stamps that provide room for 41 characters on each band, plus 1 blank space. From 4 to 20 bands. Requires separate ink pad. Ask us about other sizes.
Just Rite Self-Inking Die Plate Daters/Numberers with Figure Bands is a truly unique stamp, which combines a self inker, die plate dater and numbering machine. There is nothing else like it on the market.